Newsletter April 2018

Published: 16 April 2018

Dear Friends in Christ

We are grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ to give you the following update on the work of Onseepkans Mission.

In our previous newsletter, we reported on how a team from Moreson Mission came to help us set up our net house for vegetables and fruit trees.

Since then by God’s grace, we have developed our first nursery tunnel which is near to completion. This photo is some of our beetroot seedlings.

newsletter april 01

A seed producing company also approached us for some trial plantings on different vegetables. We hope that this could result in a long-term relationship with the benefits that it could be a good source of income for the mission and also a good project for job creation for the local community. We would appreciate your prayers.

newsletter april 02

newsletter april 03

We praise God that we can testify how we were able to assist quite a few people from our little congregation and Onseepkans community to visit Moreson Mission for a time of spiritual input and seeking the Lord. These people came to us out of their own free will and shared their desire to visit the mission. For many, the vices of the local settlements are just becoming too much and they desire to go somewhere where they can become quiet and seek the Lord. Moreson Mission are willing to assist us in providing such a haven.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. May God continue to be your refuge and strength.

Gerhard, Elmane and family at Onseepkans Mission

Final Thank you note

We thank and praise God that He provided and continue to provide abundant rain for our drought-stricken region. Already we can see a huge change in the surrounding area with patches of green vegetation springing up all over. We sincerely want to thank all of you who remembered us and the farmers of this region in your prayers.